Zero to 1 million liters

Establishing a new herbicide in the highly competitive market and making it successful in the coming years

Syngenta | Fusiflex

Syngenta is a global agriculture crop protection solution company.

With a wide range of offerings, Syngenta helps farmers enhance their crop yield

The brief

The brief

Syngenta wanted to launch Fusiflex and gain market share in the soybean crop herbicide segment. Designing a multimedia campaign spanning over four years including communication strategy was the main objective.

The challenge

The herbicide market was already well saturated with the presence of highly established and well-preferred competitor brands. The challenge was to grab the attention of the target audience and make Fusiflex the preferred product.

The challenge

Creating a strong brand association

Providing fast weed control was one of the main USPs of the product that has come out very clearly during the market research. To represent the fast control feature we used a Cheetah as a mascot throughout the campaign. The mascot made it easy for us to convey the features, values, and emotions we were aiming at.

The big bang launch

The strategy for the first phase of the campaign was to promote the main features and establish the product in the market. We created and delivered various collaterals for the large-scale promotion such as films, banners, posters, leaflets, weed pocketbooks, junction banners, mobile stickers, calendars, hoarding, and standees, etc. With the help of these collaterals, we were able to create continuous buzz and awareness about the product.

The big bang launch
Leveling up the strategy

Leveling up the strategy

After receiving the market response it came to notice that farmers were still hesitant to use the product because of the myths about its side effects. So for the second phase of the campaign, the strategy was to bust the myths around the product and gain the trust of the audience. To do this, we simply upgraded the communication with a strong design and a little tweak in the content focusing on how harmless the product is for the crops.

Evolution of the communication

Over the course of time, the communication approach and the campaign strategies kept on evolving. Once the product was well accepted and trusted in the market, we focused on keeping the faithful relationship between the product and the farmers intact. For this, we changed the communication and took an emotional route to reach the hearts of the farmers and build a trusted association.


Understanding the product USPs in detail, conducting on-field research, conversations with farmers, appropriate use of mascot, and adapting the communication as per the needs, led to the significant growth in the sales of Fusiflex from zero to one million liters over the period of 4 years. And it perfectly shows the evolution of brand communication over the period of time as per the market requirements.

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